Area 3 Slot Car Tire Truing Machine

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For maximum performance and control, the rear end of a slot car must break loose and 'drift out' a little in the corners. This 'power on' slide enables you to take the corners much faster than if the car just tracks following the slot.


If the rear tires don't provide enough grip, the rear of the car will slide out too easily, or it may 'fishtail' making it very difficult to control the car. The car will slide out until it can go no further because the guide flag is locked all the way to one side. At this point the car leaves the slot. This de-slot is the result of having not enough grip or traction.

PROFESSOR MOTOR version of the Area 3 Design Universal Tire Truing Machine – BLACK – Designed to mount complete 1/32 or 1/24 FRONT or REAR axle assemblies & true both tires at once – Works with any inline / sidewinder / anglewinder axle assemblies – Suitable for use with 2mm, 3mm, 3/32″ (2.37mm) and 1/8″ (3.2mm) axles – Trues closed cell foam or rubber tires – Recommend.


A slot car can indeed have to much traction. When this happens the rear end of the car cannot 'break loose' and slide out in a controlled power slide. The rear tires track tightly following the slot. But if the car is driven too fast, the car will suddenly tilt and the guide flag tips out of the slot. When a car is tilting out of the slot it usually will head straight into the wall. This happens very suddenly and makes it very difficult to race the car without de-slotting.


Another way a slot car can de-slot is when it is bouncing or chattering on the rear tires. This chattering can sometimes become so severe that the car actually bounces out of the slot. The chattering is very undesirable. It is usually caused by a broken chassis or motor mount, a bent wheel or axle, or worn out bushings.


When the car is set up properly, it will drift out into a controlled power slide. If you drive improperly, it may tilt out of the slot or it may slide out. It won't always de-slot in the same way. It will be much easier to drive and race than a car which always slides out or always tilts. By observing just how your car is de-slotting when you race it, you can tune it by changing things to make it run better.....

If the car swings out to easily.....
Try grippier or wider tires.

If the car tilts to easily....
Try firmer tires or narrow the width of the tires.
Try adding lead weight up front.
Are you using the proper size of tire? Tires that provide the minimum legal clearance will work best. Taller tires make the car tippy.

Remember that no combination or set up will work for all tracks. You must be ready to adjust and make changes on your car to suit the conditions you find.

Narrowing tires…. How? Why?

Adjusting the width of the tires is a very important tuning method to get maximum performance from your cars. The narrowing of tires is often necessary when your car has more than enough traction. In this condition, the car will tilt out of the slot. (The guide flag comes out first and the car won’t take the turn… it goes straight.)

Too much traction is common in glue racing, but it may also occur in spray glue or even in no glue racing.

The tire width should be adjusted by trial and error… just a little bit at a time until the cars’ rear end drifts out just a little in the corners as power is applied.

Trimming the tires…

The easiest way to do this is with one of the “tire machines” make for trimming and truing tires. These machines will rotate the tire as a cutting tool (a blade or needle) is forced into the rubber, taking a bit off the inside edge of the tire. It can also be accomplished by chucking an axle into a rotary tool or drill, and using an exacto to trim by hand. The tire machines are very nice because tires can easily be trimmed to exactly the same width. After the cutting, the square inside edge is rounded off by sanding it as it rotates with a fingernail sanding stick. Make the inside edge of the tire about the same radius as the outside edge. Some racers will prepare several sets of tires in this way at different widths to be prepared for any track conditions.

The amount of trimming will depend on the firmness and stickiness of the rubber as well as the amount of glue on the track. Start by trimming off just a little... you can always go back and trim off more. But if you make the tires too narrow, it’s impossible to put the rubber back on.

It is common to see Box 12, Cobalt 12, even 27 car tires trimmed so much so that part of the rim is exposed on the inside edge. Trimming tire width is an important tuning procedure that every slot racer should understand.

Some advantages of “properly trimmed” tires…

  • It reduces tilting and popping in the glue… can make a car easier to drive and race… often faster too.

  • Trimming tires reduces their mass, causing faster acceleration, better braking, and lowers the center of gravity of the car.

  • Trimmed tires will be faster on the straights – especially in glue.

  • Properly trimmed tires will allow your motors to run cooler and longer.

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Sehr geehrter Slotracer,
wir danken Ihnen für Ihre Bestellung oder Ihr Interesse an der Reifenschleifmaschine.
Wir möchten uns für die erhebliche Verzögerung entschuldigen und Sie kurz über den Status informieren.
Als wir im letzten Jahr die Rechte für die Reifenschleifmaschine erwarben hatten wir das Ziel diese hervorragende Maschine noch ein wenig zu verbessern.Leider haben einige Umstände im Umfeld dieser Übernahme schon zu den ersten Verzögerungen geführt, so daß der avisierte Liefertermin nicht gehalten werden konnte.
Für uns ist zwar die Entwicklung und der Vertreib von Slotcarprodukten kein Neuland, aber wir hatten es nun mit neuen Lieferanten und gänzlich anderen Problemstellungen zu tun. Ausserdem wollten wir die Maschine ja nicht runderneuern (dazu besteht auch kein Anlass) aber wir wollten noch ein i-Tüpfelchen draufsetzen.
Dies in der Praxis umzusetzen war dann auch wieder nicht so einfach und da wir uns ja auch noch um das Ladenlokal und unsere Beleuchtungen kümmern müssen ging es auch nur schleppend voran.
Vorrangig ist für uns immer die Qualität des Produktes und in dem Punkt sind wir nun auch fast am Ziel. Die Produktion der endgültigen Maschinen ist in der Endphase und nach der Montage und der Qualitätssicherung kann die Auslieferung in der KW 18 beginnen.
Ich bitte all die Interessenten die noch keine Bestellung aufgegeben haben zu berücksichtigen daß Aufträge die jetzt eingehen erst Ende Mai (bedingt durch die vielen Vorbestellungen) ausgeliefert werden können.Slot
Mit freundlichen Grüssen
Klaus Hoely
OVERDRIVE Slotservice
Kölnerstrasse 144
51379 Leverkusen
0 21 71 - 34 14 20
Dear Slotracer,
thank you for you orders or your interest in our tire truing machine.
We wish to apologize for the considerable delay and to give you a short report how things stand in the moment.
Last year when the got patent for the RSM we intended to make slight improvement to this excellent piece of equipment. Unfortunately circumstances beyond our control have led to our first setback in this project, so that we were unable to keep our original delivery deadlines.
Development and distribution of slotcarparts is not a new territory for us, but we had problems with new suppliers and vary other problems. Of course it was not a case of completely renewing the machine, but we wanted to achieve peak performance with it.
In practice this was not quit as easy as we have thought, and as we have our own shop we have to take care of we only made slow progress.
In first place is always the quality of our products and in this respect we have almost achieved our goal. The production of the final version of the machine is in its last stages and after the assembly and quality check, delivery can start in week 18.
I would request anyone who is interested but has not yet placed an order to take into account that orders received now, can only be delivered end of May.

Area 3 Slot Car Tire Truing Machine

Kind regards
Klaus Hoely
OVERDRIVE Slotservice
Kölnerstrasse 144

Tire Truing Near Me

51379 Leverkusen
Tire0 21 71 - 34 14 20

Area 3 Slot Car Tire Truing Machines

Area 3 Slot Car Tire Truing Machine Parts